
Friday, December 31, 2010

Cool Happy New Year font

Think of the New Year as a CREDIT in the Universal Bank of our Heavenly Father - 365 blessings of love, faith and happiness are deposited for 2011 - EMBRACE each day and be grateful for the Blessings of EVERY SINGLE day.  If you count your blessings every single day (and kneel in prayer in gratitude of those blessings) instead of focusing on the negative, you will see that the good far outweighs the not-so-good.

My wish for you for 2011 is that you see the good in people and that you think before you utter unkind words.  Try and focus on positive reinforcement instead of negative and see the changes in your life.  Others may not change, but you WILL and it will be a GOOD 2011 for YOU ...

Thank you so much to all my Blog-buddies for hanging in there with me and keep in touch for much more creative inspiration in 2011 ...

Lots of love to my family and my friends - 2011 WILL ROCK for ALL OF US!!!

Love ,

Saturday, December 25, 2010


May the Spirit of Christmas remain with you and your families long after Christmas is gone ...

Lots of love,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I AM TOTALLY HEAD-OVER-HEELS BESOTTED with my new i-Bond Tool from Imaginisce .... this Baby ROCKS - like seriously ...
It is soooo easy to use - it's CORDLESS, people - CORDLESS - heats up really quickly and works like a DREAM.  It also uses standard glue sticks, which are available everywhere so you will NEVER run our of glue ...  They are not available here in South Africa just yet BUT ask your LSS to get them in - by the DOZEN - they are going to FLY off the shelves ...

I will be demonstrating this Tool in the New Year so keep your eyes peeled for more information on my blog ...


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12 days of CHRISTMAS with IMAGINISCE ...

****  scroll down for the Imaginisce December Sketch Challenge ***

The Imaginisce 12 Days of Christmas Hop has started.  Together with Tomomi Hiramaru, I am hosting the Blog today so pop on over to Imaginisce and say "hi" to us there.  Remember that there are AWESOME prizes being given away everyday  until the 13th December so leave comments wherever you can (on each of the hosting Designer's Blogs as well as the Imaginisce every day of the Hop to stand a chance of winning) - as always Imaginisce is extremely generous ....

This is an Advent I created for my son, Bryce.  I wanted him to be mindful of what this Season is all about - not just gifting and eating and decorating tress - but the REAL meaning behind the festivities, so I wrote out a Scripture on the back of each Tag ...

Requirements: -

Wooden Heart
White Lace
Cottage Christmas Swirly Snowflakes patterned paper
Cottage Christmas Countdown patterned paper
Cottage Christmas Snow Flowers - Holly
Cottage Christmas Shiny and Bright Glass Stickers
Cottage Christmas Holiday Wishes Chipboard Stickers
Cottage Christmas Icon Rub-ons
i-Rock Crystal and Multi-compact Hot Rocks
Small and Medium Brad Daddies
Assorted brads and bling
12 Kraft Tags
12 wooden pegs
White Paint Dauber
i-Rock Tool
i-Bond Glue Gun
i-Top Tool

Assembly: -

1.  Paint the back and sides of the wooden heart with white acrylic paint.
2.  Paint the wooden pegs with white acrylic paint.

3. Cover the Heart with the Swirly Snowflakes paper.
4.  Using the i-Bond Glue Gun adhere the white lace to the back of the wooden heart creating a "frame" around the heart.
5.  Adhere Chipboard Stickers to the bottom end of the Heart;
6.  Cut out the numbers 1-12 from the Countdown paper.
7.  Adhere the numbers 1-12 to the kraft tags as shown below.

8.  Decorate each wooden peg with a Hot Rock, using your i-Rock Tool, and alternating, clear, red and green;
9.  Add Hot Rocks to each number (eg.  see no.'s 3-4);
10.  Decorate every alternate peg with a Glass Sticker as showns on numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12;

11.  I added  rub-ons to flat, large brads and used these at the top of some of my tags;

12.  Decorate the edges of some of the tags with flowers and a brad.  Using your i-Top Tool, cover a small/medium brad with cardstock and then use Stickles to completely cover the cardstock making it glittery.


Thanks for stopping by ...


Thursday, December 2, 2010



Cottage Christmas

Don't forget to check in with the Imaginisce Blog everyday from now (2nd December) until, and including, the 13th December for awesome Christmas ideas using the new Cottage Christmas Collection from Imaginisce ...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


**** Alrighty then - I had to delete the photos I took of my LO, re-photograph them then re-import then to my PC - corrupt image files - what DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??? ****

This month the awesome Liz Qualman provided the sketch for the Imaginisce December Challenge ...

I pretty much used the sketch as it was - it is soooo perfect and so very easy to work with ... I created a banner using snowflake and bling brads as well as mini paper doilies - I used lots of Shimmer Mist as well as Stickles (you can't really see either in my photo but it looks so "blingy" irl ...).  The white lines are for journaling - I will get there someday, girls .... - don't follow my example - journal NOW!!!  tee hee ....

You have until December 25th to have your entries uploaded onto the Imaginisce blog to be in the running for a wonderful prize of either the complete I-top package or $75US Imaginisce products.

HOP ON OVER to the following Design Team blogs to see what they did with the sketch. Remember, leave one comment on as many of the blogs as you like and you'll have multiple chances to win a prize package of Imaginisce goodies. We'll announce the winner on DECEMBER 6th. Enjoy!

Post your sketch on your blog or online gallery AND then go back to this link and list your link via the new inLinkz below. Since this new LINK service shows a picture, please make sure you link to the post with your layout and not just your blog. We will select a winner to be featured on the blog at the end of the month. And of course, that means you could win your choice of the i-top Tool package, i-rock package or a $75 prize Collection package!

GOOD LUCK and looking forward to seeing your awesome versions of this sketch ...


***EDITED*** - Ok, for some strange reason, I keep getting bombed out of Blogger and FaceBook when I try to upload images - am going to bed shortly before I throw this computer out of the window - will try again in the morning so please please please CHECK BACK tomorrow ...***

*** PLEASE CHECK BACK LATER - I AM HAVING A PROBLEM UPLOADING IMAGES TO BLOGGER - grrrr ....*** (I changed to Google Chrome - not sure if that could be the reason why - even my siggy has disappeared???? - will have to speak with my techie-guru-friend, Sophs ... tee hee)