
Friday, October 31, 2008




Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I don't normally do this ... feel like it's a kind of chain-letter thingy BUT am going to since my sweetest friend, Sophs, tagged me ...

7 Random Facts about me ... sigh ... can't think of anything very interesting - may take me all day to complete this post ... sigh ... ok, get a grip, Tracy ...

I love walking in the rain - has to be a soft rain with no wind and I must not have had my hair blow-dried straight - yes, I know I am fussy but we do get these gloriously soft rainy days and I love them (FYI - my hair is curly to the point of out of control and I have it blow-dried straight 3-4 times a month. I keep it under control for the rest of the month with mousse or some other inspired anti-frizz, miracle-worker product) - my luck, those gorgeous days come on the same day as my salon appointments ... grrr ...
I am obsessed (ok, not quite obsessed but certainly weirdly fascinated) by serial killers and the reasons why they are so warped - I will read any book or watch any movie or documentary about serial killers - sick, sick, sick ....
I have a thing about dirt - I cannot bear a grubby floor, especially since I walk around my home barefoot most of the time, and crumbs or dirt on the kitchen and bathroom floors will drive me mental ... I don't like dirty homes - I feel icky and disgruntled ... (just so you know ... tee hee ...). Picture this ... we are building a granny flat out back for my mom and with the nasty winds we have had recently it has been impossible to keep sandy gritty floors clean - I am losing the battle and with it, my mind .... no jokes here, girls ...
I HATE (very seldom use this word) lies and deceit and manipulation - cannot bear being lied to and feel immensely guilty for weeks if I tell a lie - I usually confess my lies almost immediately. I will not be manipulated ...
I am a list-maker ... I even make a list of what I am going to clean when I clean my house - there's no accounting for sanity ... (I often lose my lists and then make lists to find other lists and ... I am very tired ...)
I looooove to laugh - and when I laugh I laugh out loud ... (even at inopportune moments ...)
(whew - last one) I love intensely (esp my boys and my family) - there is no in between for me ...

So, now you know a little bit about me and I guess I have to pass this on by tagging others ...

Mel B







These are rules (fact no. 8 - I am not a lover of rules) ...

Link to your Tagger and list these rules on your blog.

Share 7 facts about yourself - some random, some weird.

Tag 7 people at the end of your post and link their blogs.

Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

Sorry, girls (and I say sorry because I know we are all busy but I do this in the spirit of fun so maybe you will too - hint ... hint ... jerk your rubber arm ...) ...

Greg gets his new bakkie today - enjoy, hon ... and Bryce has gone to White Mountain today - see you on Friday, babe ... Be good and I love you more ....

Have a fab day everyone - I am off to have a paraffin wax pedi - Thanks for spoiling me, Annie ...


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


OMN (oh my nerves) - we are onto Challenge No. 10 already and I am still deliberating on which photos to use for my Teenage Page (Challenge No. 5) - gotta get my A into G .... in a hurry ...

Okay, onto the next Challenge ...

This Challenge is also pretty comprehensive. Are you living in your first home? Do you own/rent? How long have you been living there? Have you lived in several homes in your lifetime - list them? Do you live in your Dream Home? If not, what is your Dream Home like? Show us some of your favourite things in your home? Do you have a sanctuary within your home where you like to "hang out" and "chill"? What does your present home say about you and what does it mean to you? (eg. comfort, security, a means to an end ...)
You may wish to pick one particular aspect (eg. the places I've called Home ...) or you may wish to focus on what your home says about you and what it means to you. Try to include as many photos as you can because these are your memories and will be lost when you pass one day ...

Ooooh, I like this one - hope you do too.

I am off to do Library duty and hopefully play catch-up on my challenges this evening ...



Okay, I can see that even trying to complete 5 tasks a week towards a better environment is pretty tough - it's a mindset for one and one needs to consciously think about change in order to make the change ... tougher than I thought but this is what I have accomplished ...

Bryce and I planted some flowers in pots on the weekend - he found grubs - ewww - and insisted on keeping them - I, of course, shrieked like a mad woman and insisted he keep them outside so we have a shoebox in the middle of the garden with icky grubs inside - BUT we really connected whilst in the garden (up until the grubs that is ... ewwwww ....). FYI - Greg and I spent 10 minutes watering the garden when he got home from work last night and just chatted about his day - it was so good ...

I have NOT overfilled the kettle this last week - think I have this one taped ...

I HAVE switched off the running water when brushing my teeth - slipped up a couple of times but will keep at this one ....

I let more than 1 car in in every journey this last week - this was EASY and it made me feel good ... AND I did not swear at anyone in the traffic this week ... THAT is a major accomplishment ... tee hee ...

I have not completed the following so will carry these over ... sigh ... gonna be a busy gal this next week ...

  1. Take the stairs - damn, gonna have to find me some stairs to climb but I don't think it counts if I have to contrive to make it work ...
  2. Love where you live - am gonna walk around the neighbourhood this next week ...
  3. Look closer - I have been pretty comatose this last week - will have to make more of an effort ...
And here is my new list ...

  1. Don't start a war - if you knew how full my house was with houseguests and storage stuff whilst we are building my mom's granny flat out back you would understand my pain ...
  2. Talk rubbish to your parents - this is a tough one for me - I HATE to sit and talk rubbish - would rather peel onions ...
  3. Walk my mom - she so needs to get her health back - slowly does it ...
  4. Avoid waste - I buy too much and end up throwing it out - sooooo bad - going to work especially hard on this one ...
  5. Smile when you answer the phone - okay, this is an easy one - have to put in one easy one so that I can accomplish at LEAST one task every week ... tee hee ...
  6. Take the stairs (carried over)
  7. Love where you live (carried over)
  8. Look closer (carried over)
So that's me for the week - my footprint is still evident BUT slightly faded ...

Enjoy the week ahead ...


Monday, October 27, 2008

Mara's catching up with a Vengeance ...

Yikes, this newbie is working around the clock to catch up - Well done, Mara ...
This is Challenge No. 2 - the Meaning of Mara's Name ..

Real interesting journaling ...

Eksodus 15:23-25

23: En hulle het in Mara gekom, maar kon die water van Mara nie drink nie, want dit was bitter. Daarom heet die plek Mara.

24: Toe murmureer die volk teen moses en sê: Wat moet ons drink?

25: En hy het die Here aangeroep, en die Here het hom 'n stuk hout gewys; dit he hy in die water gegooi, die water het soet geword.

1. Net soos die Here die waters van Mara soet gemaak het, maak Hy daagliks die bitter van my lewe soet. Hy vergewe my sonde net soos ek die vergewe wat teen my sondig. God se genade is groot en elke keer as die bitterheid in my opkom, word dit soet. Soeter as soet.

2. En al sou ek kon kies, sou dit niks anders wees nie, as die naam wat aan my gegee is nie.

Ek dra die naam met trots. En deur die Bybel versies weet ek hoe gelukkig ek is. My naam is Mara.

3. As kind het ek gevoel dat ek gespot word as ek bitterwater genoem was, maar vandag wil ek vir elkeen wat my so genoem het tong uitsteek en sê WE! Die bitter het soet geword. My naam IS Mara.

And Challenge No. 8 - All about her Family ...

Meet Mara's Family ...
1. J – Die liefde van my lewe. Jy rock my wereldjie. Jy laat my iewers behoort. Jy is my anker en my alles. Jy is meer as net my man, my lewensmaat vir nou en vir altyd. En ek min jou so.

2. S – Jou skugter glimlaggie is die lig in ons lewe. Jou trotse, edele houding is so eie aan jou en maak dat mense baie van jou hou. Mag jy altyd so nederig, opreg en eerlik bly soos nou.

3. A – Soms voel dit of ons as ouers faal, maar ek weet jy is lief vir ons. Jy is o intellegent en 'n blink toekoms wink vir jou. Gryp die geleenthede en benut hulle. Onthou jy sal altyd ons kind bly.

4. D – Ai my seun hoe het die lewe jou nie l benadeel nie. Jy het sterk gestaan en heel anderkant uitgekom. Ons bly lief vir jou. Jy is 'n regte grapmaker. Mag jy altyd so vol lag en grappe en humor wees.

5. N – Ons eie kerskgeskenk. Hoe pragtg is jy nie. Op ie drumpel van die lewe staan jy. Jy is 'n regte prinsessie in ons oë. Mag die sterre hul geheimenisse met jou deel en jou altyd toevou in liefde.
My gesin. My familie. My lewe. Elkeen uniek, met sy eie persoonlikheid maar saam gebind deur 'n sterk band. Bloed is immers dikker as water. Elkeen is 'n skakel in hierdie lewens ketting van my. Julle maak my wie ek is, julle is my geluk en my vreugde, my alles, my hele lewe.
Thanks, Mara - outstanding ...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


As usual, I have been browsing and I came across this entry on Melody Ross' blog. What an awesome woman - She is total proof that SIMPLE ABUNDANCE is what makes life worthwhile ...

Please go along and read her story - it is immensely inspiring and puts {LIFE} into perspective perfectly ...

Thank you Melody for sharing such a personal story with us ....


MICHELLE "SPEEDY" RAMSAY with Challenges 8 AND 9 nogal ...

Ok, I have little to say, except "GO GIRL!" - here are SPEEDY's (and I say this with great affection) latest BOM LO's ...

BOM Challenge No. 8 - MY FAMILY

Ok, so you want to know all about my family. Let me tell you about my side…….
My parents are Lu and Laura.
I am the eldest of 4 children and am married to Dereck. We have two children, Leanne (currently living and working in England) and Grant.
I have a brother, Malcolm who is 17 months younger than me. He is married to Carol and they have two children Byron and Cassandra.
I have a sister, Liesel who is not married and she is 5 years younger than me.
I have another brother, Warren who is 7 years younger than me. He is married to Debbie and they have two children, Luke and Rebekah.
My mom’s parents were known to us as Granny and Grandpa Farquharson and they were always very fair in what all of us grandchildren got. I certainly enjoyed spending week-ends with them at their house in Westbrook (near Tongaat) and a favourite treat there was having Melrose cheese wedges on toast and jelly everyday for pudding at lunch time. My Gran was a wonderful person so full of life, considering that she was crippled in a wheelchair with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She never complained of how much pain she was in and sadly passed away at the age of 83. My one good deed was giving them the pleasure of a great grandchild – Leanne. I was pregnant with Grant when my Gran died. My Grandpa was a very patient and perfect gentleman who always had such wonderful stories to tell us. He died at the age of 88.
My dad’s parents were known as Granny and Grandpa Engler and lived in East London. My Grandpa died while I was quite young, so don’t remember too much about him except that he used to have a pet crow called “Joe”. I always remember my Gran as someone who baked delicious biscuits, who crotched all the time and made lovely blankets for each of my children when they were borne and whenever we were around her, all we heard was the clinking of her 3 wide gold bracelets that she always wore. She also always had her hair under a hair net. When she passed away, each of the 3 girls on the Engler side of the family received one of these bangles. She passed away a few months short of her birthday when she would have turned 99!

Now, for Dereck’s side of the family…...
Dereck’s mom’s name was Francis but was referred to by all of us as “Papi”. A name she got from when Janine was small and she always used to call her “Poppet”. Sadly she passed away in July 2008 having suffered with Cancer. His dad’s name was John and he passed away tragically in a car accident in 1972. Dereck is the eldest of 4 children.
He has a sister, Lesley who is about 2 years younger than him. She is married to Alex and they have two children, Janine (who lives and works in England) and Nicholas. Lesley, Alex and Nicholas used to live in Holland and have recently come back to South Africa.
The next sister is Jennifer who is about 7 years younger than Dereck and she has recently got divorced from her husband Greg. They have two children, Samantha and Kirsten.
The youngest sister is Joanne and she is about 18 years younger than Dereck. Dereck’s mom was pregnant with Joanne when his dad was killed, so sadly she has never known her dad. She is married to Brendon and they have two children Kerin and Ryan.
Dereck’s Gran on his mom’s side was known as “Ouma”. She lived in Parys so we never saw her too often. But when she did visit, she used to make the most divine ginger pudding and then “Papi” used to make it and it is a definite Ramsay family favourite. As the family grew, we needed to have two of these puddings at any function as everyone liked it!!

I get on with all my family and especially enjoy our family get togethers as we always have so much fun – taking the mickey out of each other and generally just having a good laugh. Warren and I seem to have a similar sense of humour! Each family member in their own way is very special to me.

1. Janine
2. Lu
3. Laura
4. Debbie
5. Nicholas
6. Papi
7. Joanne
8. Kirsten
9. Samantha
10. Luke
11. Byron
12. Cassandra
13. Rebekah
14. Carol
15. Leanne
16. Grandpa F
17. Ouma
18. Granny F
19. Malcolm
20. Warren
21. Dereck
22. Ryan
23. Lesley
24. Brendon
25. Kerin
26. Jennifer
27. Greg
28 Grandpa E
29. Alex
30. Granny E
31. Grant
32. Liesel

AND BOM Challenge No. 9 - Fashion Evolution ...

I am not a fashion conscious person. I like practicle clothes that can be mixed and matched and that will last. I like bright vibrant colours. For work I like to wear skirts and loose fitting shirts. For casual wear I enjoy jeans, shorts or ¾ pants with t/.shirts or loose shirts. I don’t often wear dresses. If I am at a shopping mall and I see something I like, I buy it as chances are that when I am looking for something I won’t find it. I have a few necklaces that I wear but I am not big on accessories. I have a couple of pairs of black and white shoes as this is the most common colour I wear to work. I do buy others that will match clothes that I already have. This saves on wearing the same shoes all the time. When I was younger I enjoyed long hair. Since I started walking and now doing gym, I find that that short hair suits me better as I wash it every day. I have had perms over the years but prefer it natural now. I have my hair highlighted – originally for a bit of colour but nowt it is to start hiding the grey!! I am not a big make-up person. I always wear lipstick and if I am going out I will add mascara and blush. My favourite perfume is CHANEL No. 5 and RED DOOR. My taste hasn’t changed – I am still a conservative and practicle dresser. The style of my glasses …… well at the time they were fashionable so I hope in 20 years time I won’t be laughed at!!!

Well done, Michelle ...



Okay, my friends and family think it's another little fad I'm going through ... I realise that NOT EVERYONE is concerned about the environment and I don't expect all to find my latest posts about "SAVING THE WORLD one little step at a time ..." interesting or to take ME seriously BUT I will continue to reduce my carbon footprint a little at a time - I can't go OTT here, girls ... after all, I do like to live in this world in comfort and I DO AND WILL CONTINUE TO SCRAP ... but I am genuinely concerned about the diminished world our children will have to live in ...

Just had to get that off of my chest ... I feel goood now ...

Have a great day!!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I did not manage to complete all 5 GREEN ACTIONS but I can check off the following: -

I made someone smile ... in fact I smiled at just about everybody this last week, even a little tot in the back seat of her dad's car - she grinned from ear to ear when I smiled at her - so cute ...

I charged my cellphone during the day ... well, I did charge it one night BUT I woke up and took it off of charge (must've been my conscience pricking me ...)

I continue to give up spare time to volunteer at the school library ...

I haven't had an opportunity to take the stairs yet so I will carry this one forward

I haven't had the chance the grow something with Bryce - will carry this forward too ...

My new list: -
  1. Love where you live (draw a map of your immediate neighbourhood ...)
  2. Look closer (find something interesting in everyday life that others may not have seen ...)
  3. Don't overfill the kettle (I am so nervous of a dry kettle that I tend to overfill it ...)
  4. Let at least one car in in every journey (I often let one car in so I'm going to try and let 2 cars in ...)
  5. Turn off the tap whilst brushing your teeth (ooh, I'm guilty of this one for sure ...)
  • Take the stairs (carried over ...)
  • Grow something with a child (carried over ...)

How did you do this last week???



Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear GREG (and NOLEEN and ELLIE)
Happy Birthday to you

TODAY is my honey's birthday - all of 38 (says he doesn't feel a day older than 90 ... tee hee) ... HOPE YOU HAVE A FABULOUS DAY, HON ...

This is what Bryce and I bought for him ...

Some pretty stylish Fox Sunglasses ... ooooh, HOT - I may not trade him in for another year or so ... tee hee ...

It is also Ellie's Birthday - Happy Birthday, Ellie - Hope your year is filled with love and laughter ...

It is also Noleen's Birthday - Happy Birthday, Nols - May your every wish come true this next year ...


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Going Green in Cyberspace ...

Here is a link to how bloggers and techies can become more eco-friendly ... not sure about the soy ink thing ... a little hard here in backward-SA, don't you think ... BUT I believe we CAN ALL switch off our computers when not in use ... a little goes a long way ...

BTW, why not add this pic to your blog TODAY to remind you to try and be as eco-friendly as possible ... I am going to investigate the whole recycling thing and see what I can do in my home in this regard ...

P.S. I am sooo not giving up my scrapbooking papers for an eco-friendly world BUT I will try in other areas - just so you know where MY limits are .... tee hee ...


Friday, October 17, 2008


I am sure there are many of you who will remember the very sweet KELLY WHITE who taught at the recent Scrapbook Expo in Jhb. I found her to be so warm and friendly and I wanted to wish her a Happy {sssshhhh} 27th Birthday for the 12th October ... May all your days be filled with love and laughter, Kelly ...

Check out the stunning Projects she has on her blog ...

Hope I made Kelly smile TODAY ...



I received such a lovely e-mail from a lady called Carol (thanks, Carol) who was motivated by Desire to join our BOM Challenges. Here is her first Challenge ...

What an awesome job, Carol ... love it!!!!

Here is what she had to say about herself ...

Carol Ann Liebbrandt
Born on 27 April 1951 (57 yrs)
In the town of Ladysmith, Natal
Parents - Margaret and Ted Higginson
Siblings - Eddie (62) and Alan (47)
Eyes - Blue
Hair - Naturally brown, now (bottle) blonde!
Married to Laurence, the love of my life
I have 2 precious daughters, Lisa and Lauren
I also have 2 adorable grandchildren - Charlie & Maddie
I have lived in Hillary, suburb of Durban for the past 33 years
Retired early from a Secretarial job at Transnet and now enjoy being a homemaker
Passionate about:- God- My family & Friends- My cats- Scrapbooking & Quilting

THANK YOU SO MUCH, Carol, for sharing the beginning of YOUR STORY with us ...





We're "going green" ...

One of my {many} posts on Tuesday was about picking 5 actions from a list provided on a stunning site called

Essentially this a challenge to start saving our World (yikes!!! what an awesome responsibility we have ... breathe in ... just breathe .... - we can do it!!!) a little bit at a time.

I have never really put much effort into "going green" before so this is the perfect opportunity for me to start being accountable for my little spot on this Planet we call home. It will take a fair amount of change in my household to go completely "green", however, I believe that a little at a time is certainly better than none at all so I am making a start and I am committing myself to this project by putting it out there for all to follow.

Tomorrow afternoon I am going to scour the web for other ideas on how to go green so will have loads of reading for you guys over the next few weeks - oooh, another project - so exciting ...

By the way, I also believe that "going green" does not restrict itself to the environment - there is so much hatred and despair and intolerance and just plain nastiness in this world that working on our relationships with others will also go a long way to making this a "green" and friendly world - sooooo if you haven't joined us yet, give this a try TODAY - smile at somebody when they pee you off and you'll notice that your anger goes away almost completely - it even works in the traffic ... tee hee ... REMEMBER that ONLY YOU are RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU and YOUR ACTIONS - you are not responsible for anybody else's actions - and ONLY YOU can CHANGE how YOU REACT to others - you cannot change how they will react to you but that's ok 'coz they may learn something from you today ...

Today's project for me, however, is to organise party packs and cakes and lunch, etc for Bryce's birthday party tomorrow. He is so excited, bless his heart - I just love doing things to make my little guy's eyes shine ... so I am off to Party Themes and Makro and the Cake Shop and a whole load of other places ...

This is such nasty weather though and for once I am not hysterical that his party will be rained out - at least the kids can play Paintball in the rain - in fact, I think it is more fun .... like real 'Nam ... tee hee ...

Just a bit of useless info for you - I was going to have my hair blow dried straight today BUT will give it a miss as a second in the rain will reduce it back to curly and unruly ... gotta love this weather ... grrrr ...


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hi Desire

You weren't sure of the significance of not charging a cellphone overnight ... I think it's because it only takes a couple of hours to charge a phone and if it is plugged in all night, it is still drawing unnecessary current ... that is also why we are told to switch off (at the plug) and unplug appliances, etc. that we are not using - even idle, they are drawing current ...

Electrical Lesson No. 1 over ...

P.S. I am married to an Electrician - does this explain my knowledge of electricity ... tee hee ...
P.P.S. I wouldn't trust me to wire up a plug though ... tee hee ...



I was browsing Beryldene's blog when I came across this site on her link list - go and take a look and pick 5 actions to complete every week ...

My week's picks are : -

  1. Don't charge my cellphone overnight
  2. Make someone smile
  3. Take the stairs
  4. Give up some spare time
  5. Grow something with a Child (Bryce)
Okay, so what are you going to do this week - should we check in every Tuesday and see what we've accomplished? - let me know if you're in ...

Make today meaningful in any event ...



Your topic for the next challenge is .....

FASHION - 27 DRESSES (or just 1 or even NONE)
This next Challenge focuses on what you like to wear. Remember that how you dress is a significant part of who you are and how others perceive you (not that we are too concerned about what others think of us - how we see ourselves is more important in my book). Do you find that you have a specific style of dress? Are you into comfortable clothes rather than fashionable clothes? Do you dress for your body type? (No. I am not Trinny or Susannah - FYI - this is an interesting little article). Do you find that you wear the same colour more often than another? Is your wardrobe a true reflection of who you are? Do you have any particular weaknesses when it comes to fashion or clothing - eg. when you go clothing shopping do you buy an outfit with shoes, bag and accessories to match? Are you an impulse clothing buyer or do you try and match your new item with something you already have in your wardrobe? Do you own 100 pairs of shoes or just a few? Are you stuck in a time warp where your clothing and make-up is concerned? - eg. are you still wearing the blue eye-shadow and big hair of the 80's (although, this seems to be making a major comeback - those of us who are wiser than we were in the 80's know how to tone it down as we've gotten older ... tee hee ...)? Do you prefer the clothing of the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's? Have you made any huge fashion faux pas during the years, and better still, do you have photos to prove it - this is scary stuff, girls ... tee hee ...? Why not throw in a little about your hairstyles through the years ... Has your taste changed significantly through the years and was there a particular milestone that brought on this change? (HA - making you think, aren't I?)

This is a HUGE topic and can encompass sooooo much so try to write your story before you even attempt your LO as you may require more journaling space than you realise. Your journaling could centre around a particular era or a particular photo ... Try and make this a little learn-about-me challenge and see if you really know YOUR OWN style ...

Good Luck and most importantly, ENJOY the JOURNEY ...


Monday, October 13, 2008


This beautiful LO comes from Desire - now you can see why I have to reward her and Michelle ... two little worker-bees ...

Her story for this LO is long, but very interesting and heartfelt, so don't quit until you get to the end ...

I would like to quote from Conroy’s autobiography he has written during 2007, which conveys how he came to be the very special person he is.
"Autobiography of Conroy Fourie: Born 12 January 1961
{The Early Years…} My mom (Marie) and dad (Coen) married in Oudtshoorn, and soon thereafter moved to a small mining town on the Cape Westcoast called Kleinzee. My older sister Louise was born on 18 November 1959 and I was born on 12 January 1961 in Kleinzee. I also have a younger brother Leon, and a younger sister, Moira, born in July 1963 and February 1967 respectively. During our formative years we relocated frequently, first to Oranjemund, another small diamond town in the southern part of Namibia. When I was 6 or 7 years old we moved to Oudsthoorn and when I was 9 we moved to a small town in the Eastern Cape called Uitenhage. We always had a very tight knit family unit, within our immediate family and also with our extended family relations.
{My School Years…} After initially moving a few times during my “Sub A to Standard 1” school years I spent most of my primary school career at Innes Primary in Uitenhage from middle Standard 1 to Standard 5. I chose to enroll at the local “Academically Orientated” secondary school in Uitenhage and started Standard 6 in January 1974. During my Matric year, I managed to secure a place on the Veld & Vlei Leadership Adventure School held close to the Wilderness on the Garden Route. This leadership school took place during the winter school break in 1978 and was for a full 3 weeks. A vivid experience that I believe played a strong role in some of my later decisions in life. It really taught me a lot about myself, and what I was capable of. I passed my Matric with full university exemption and a “C” average.
{National Service…} Oblivious to the political environment of the time I complied with the formalities of the day, registered, and was instructed to join the army for two years’ compulsory National Service in January 1979. I was allocated to the support corps - the Army Chef School. After basics and the Chef’s course, I volunteered to join 1 Parachute Battalion in Bloemfontein. I had the notion to do the qualifying course for Parachute Training but never pursued this further once at the unit. The association with an elite army unit rubbed off even on the support staff in the base and we were subjected to excellent discipline and built a really good spirit. We worked extremely hard and maintained excellent standards. During 1980, my second and last year of national service, I firmed my plans to go to university and enrolled for a degree in commerce, with Professional Accountancy (CA route) as the major discipline, at the University of Port Elizabeth.
{Varsity!!…} Although UPE was only 30km or so from my parents’ home, I elected to stay in university residence. This was a great time of my life. I had a close circle of friends that worked hard but also played hard. I was probably top 20% in my class most subjects. In addition to the academic and social life, I played a lot of sport socially and formally. Eventually I redirected my degree majors and settled on Accounting and Business Economics rather than following the CA route. The largely carefree first year continued into the second year, especially now that I was a senior in the residence. At the start of my third year, on Valentine’s Day 1983, our flat entertained a ladies residence flat and I met my lovely wife-to-be Desíre. This serious-looking lady with her white windbreaker sitting around the fire with her friends really was a sight to behold. My varsity life and beyond changed forever. We got engaged December 17th 1983; I was a mere 22 years old and she 19!! I still remember my future father in law going silent when I asked him if I could marry her…he must have thought we were too young! We got married 30 November 1984 and I received my B.Com degree in December 1984.
{My Professional Career…} Towards the end of my fourth year, as I prepared for the reponsibilities of marriage, I started working for my “part” university sponsor, Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Company, in their finance division at Head Office in Port Elizabeth, as accountant, on 17 September 1984. An interesting conversation just prior to me starting was with the HR manager and he asked me something to this effect: “you won’t have a problem reporting to a coloured person?” I was bemused – suffice to say, Len Van Wyk (“The Coloured”) and I had a magnificent relationship. We had many discussions about our individual experiences and built an excellent rapport. I attended his wedding roundabout 1986 or 1987 in one of the “coloured” townships and what an experience this was. We got lost driving to the church and had to ask a few of the local residents the way – as I opened the car window I heard one of the children in the street with eyes widening saying something like: “hier’s wittes!! (here are whites!!)”. While at Goodyear I completed a B.Com Honours in business economics and in my last year at Goodyear (1988) started my MBL masters (MBA) through Unisa’s School of Business Leadership. I finished this degree while at Toyota. To meet my aspirations to move into a General Management career path, I joined Toyota SA Marketing (1989) after nearly five years at Goodyear. At Toyota, I spend most of my ten years’ tenure in a Dealer Development capacity, in various managerial roles. I received several promotions, relocated to Pretoria (1991 December) and gained extensive experience in General Management. After ten years at Toyota, I felt that to stimulate further career growth, I needed to expand my horizons and take charge of the redefinition of my career. As I had an interest in Information Technology, when an opportunity arose, I accepted a position as Project Manager at Kerridge Computer Company in their Motor Dealer Management Systems division (1999). At the time, it was my view that the IT industry offered an interesting career option, and the move to Kerridge allowed me to pursue this while at the same time remaining close to the Motor Industry. In 2001, Shell approached me to join Shell Autoserv as General Manager. This opportunity offered me great scope to leverage my General Management career in a key area of the Motor Industry, after-sales service. I joined Shell Autoserv in December 2001, and as a result of this appointment relocated to Durban. While working at Kerridge I started a Masters in IT through the University of Pretoria which I completed in 2003 while at Shell Autoserv. As a result of a Shell Group portfolio decision, the local Shell Autoserv business has been made available for sale in April 2005. After a deal failure in October 2006, I was asked to take over the divestment project management role. I successfully negotiated a sale of the branches of the business at 30 April 2007.
{Desíre and I, A Partnership For Life…} Desíre and I have been together for 24 years, and our bond is now as strong as ever. We have not been blessed with children, but with one another. She is the most supportive, loving, loyal person. We enjoy being together and doing hikes or just breaking away for the odd getaway to preferably somewhere in a mountain. We have done some major multi-day hikes such as the Outeniqua (1995), Swellendam (1998), Fishriver Canyon (2002), Otter (2004), Tsitsikamma (2005) and numerous smaller hikes in between. From about 1995 to 2001, while in Pretoria, we were regular road runners; however, the move to Durban has broken the cycle we were in then. Now we particpate in road runs (jogs/walks) irregularly and go to gym occassionally.
Seminal Events…} 1. Choosing my secondary school to be an academic track as opposed to a technical track stimulated my university career and subsequent professional general managerial career. 2. Securing a place on the Veld & Vlei Leadership Adventure School during my matric year – an intense physical and psychological experience that taught me a lot about myself, and what I was capable of. 3. Attending University and the resultant stimulus for lifelong learning that this exposure left me with. 4. Meeting Desíre and getting married; apart from the wonderful richness of our personal relationship I also gained parents-in-law that added immense quality of life to me. 5. Joining Toyota and subsequently relocating to Gauteng from Port Elizabeth. This consolidated my career decision to be in general management rather than in a finance specialist role. 6. Leaving Toyota to stimulate further career growth was the right strategy but joining Kerridge was the wrong implementation and a sobering experience. This move subsequently led to my career at Shell Autoserv and relocation to Durban. Furthermore, the move from Toyota (in 1999) stimulated nine years of introspection and an examination of my leadership style – an exciting although sometimes daunting journey. 7. A Shell Group portfolio decision (April 2005) to divest the Autoserv business unit in South Africa and my decision to stay with the business to influence a positive divestment outcome. This lead to a period of intense emotional roller coasters and culminating in a successful sale of the branches of the business, but the closure of the head office, with the resultant redundancy of head office colleagues including myself.
{Most Influential People In My Life…} 1. My parents for teaching me sound life principles and values, supportive, encouraging, and for always seeing the good in everyone. 2. My life partner Desíre for being a natural peoples person, loving me unconditionally, supporting me, having a bias for action (as opposed to my sometimes analytical paralysis), being unselfish, demonstrating loyalty and commitment, and just for being there – by her actions she truly shows me how to enrich the lives of others. 3. My first boss Len Van Wyk for demonstrating the true meaning of respect for diversity and thereby transferring the seeds of this quality to me. 4. My second boss Harold Barnard, my first “unintended” mentor and coach, amongst others for demonstrating the qualities of a truly people and team focused leadership to me in my early career. 5. Brand Pretorius, an icon in the motor industry – for being a role model for inspirational and charismatic leadership. 6. To all the people that I had the privilege to interact with in the past and for those I will interact with in the future - for the richness of experience and learning this brought to me and will bring to me in future."
That very first meeting the evening of Valentine’s Day, 1983 was definitely not a butterfly, heart-skip-a-beat moment for me. Back then I was relatively cautious and shy around the opposite sex and did not trust Conroy’s first advances. Later that evening when I was dropped back at the varsity hostel, I turned a cheek when a goodnight kiss was coming my way. I have just come out of a serious year-long relationship which I had during my first year at Tygerberg Techinical College in Cape Town. But, Conroy was not going to let this ‘sight to behold’ slip through his fingers and came round the very next day to reinforce his feelings. So, bit by bit the resistance crumbled and I could not stop myself from falling in love. For the duration of our nearly two years of Res life I was often spoilt with a bunch of red carnations fondly placed in my Res post box and always accompanied with a cute card with sincere words. I have kept all these cards and still have them today. What attracted me the most about Conroy and is still the case today are his sincerity, honesty, very small heart and gallant demeanor. My Mom always said that, the best way to determine how a man will treat his future wife is to observe the relationship he has with his Mom. And this is very true as Conroy till this day, treats his Mom & Dad with endearing love and huge respect. Needless to say, this also shines through in our relationship. The physical attraction of course is his nearly 2m frame, warm brown eyes and his size 12½ feet. We got engaged on 13 December 1983 and married a year later, on completion of our studies on Friday, 30 November 1984 at the ‘Vanstadensrivier Gemeente’ situated between Uitenhage and Port Elizabeth. We did not go on a honeymoon, as we have both started to work fulltime at the beginning of November 1984 and only stayed for 2 nights at the Beach Hotel in Port Elizabeth ... and of course this was all we could afford at that stage. But, we have shared, enjoyed and experienced wonderful memorable getaways/adventures the 24 years to date.
Through all the years Conroy has ... • opened the car door for me, leaving home and at the destination • brought breakfast in bed for me • put his own washing in the basket • said thank you for every meal I have served • left the kitchen neat when he has prepared a meal • never forgotten our anniversary • packed his own clothes for business trips
My Mom’s advice for an everlasting marriage was to make sure that you are home before your husband returns from work (if possible) and never go to bed cross with each other.
I cannot imagine life without Conroy by my side. My life is Conroy and life is Conroy in my world. He is my only soul mate and confidante. In a way I am what I am today, at the age of 44, mainly because I have Conroy by my side unselfishly, lovingly supporting me in everything I do and still want to do. Life ahead can only be a loving adventurous joyride with him by my side.

Wow, Desire, Conroy could do the BOM challenges in a minute ... tee hee ...




As I mentioned some time ago, I am honoured to create for Journaling Junkie, a site hosted by the awesome Stefanie, where you will find loads of journaling prompts as well as journaling RAKS. Go and take a peak and stand in line to win some stuff ...

This is my latest LO for the HIS and HERS CHALLENGE ...

and this is my story ...


HE sleeps on the right-hand side of the bed * HE likes a single, firm and flat pillow * HE needs total darkness to sleep * HE could be that Prince(ss) that feels the pea …

SHE sleeps on the left-hand side of the bed * SHE likes lots of soft, fluffy pillows * SHE can sleep with the lights on * SHE is not the Princess who will feel the pea …

HE reads the Grapevine and Property mags from cover to cover and he may read the occasional car/surfing/motorbike mag * HE has not entered the hallowed halls of a Library in forever and seems to have passed this gene onto his son …

SHE will read just about anything but prefers psycho thrillers and forensics novels * SHE reads 2/3 novels at the same time * SHE reads everyday * SHE could happily sleep in a Library with all those gorgeous books around her …

HE is a simple guy when it comes to hygiene * HE showers twice a day, prefers Playboy Deodorant and uses shaving gel for sensitive skin with a good razor …

SHE loves perfumes, good face products and is always in search of an anti-frizz hair product * SHE loves the smell of cosmetics but doesn’t wear much make-up …

I so enjoyed working on this Challenge and am excitedly preparing for the next few already so please remember to pop into Journaling Junkie often for some inspired journaling ...




I have finally found the lady who was my first introduction to a BOOK OF ME ... Her name is Angie Pedersen and I wanted to publicly thank her and acknowledge her inspiration for the Book of Me Challenges I am currently hosting on this blog - Thank you, Angie - you have certainly inspired millions of scrappers around the world ...

Please note that I have taken the liberty to alter a few of her existing topics and introduce many of my own - these are things that I want people, more especially my Family, to know about me when I am gone ...

It is not too late to document your Story ... join us NOW!!!


JOIN US ... IT'S FREE ... tee hee ...

I found this link on Stefanie's blog recently and saw it again this morning on Jacki's blog.

Registration for this FREE class by JESSICA SPRAGUE starts on the 20th October 2008 - so who's gonna join us??? Click here for more info ...


What makes Michelle Tick and what Ticks her off ... PLUS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE for all you BOM-mers

This is Michelle's take on BOM Challenge No. 7 (Things I Love) ... what a stunning LO, Michelle, with so much time and effort put into it - thank you ....

Here is her journaling ...

Things I love (in no particular order):

My brothers & and my sister - Malcolm, Warren & Liesel
Having a good spring clean every once in a while
Chocolate cake, brownies, muffins, lemon meringue pie
Flowers - Gerberas are my favourite, but I enjoy all
Spending time with my friends - they are all so special to me
Spending time with my family - we always have such a laugh!!
At this moment in time, I am really loving going to the Gym
Dancing – this puts me on a high!
Reading - a good book goes down very well
Watching movies - my favourites is Pretty Woman
Organising and helping people organise things
Seafood - calamari and prawns being my best
Music – loud - especially music that you can dance to
Seeing physically challenged people achieve
Really good jokes - I have a great sense of humour!
A really good, but not too hot, curry (especially prawn)
Salads - I have one for lunch every day
Chocolates, especially those which have nuts in them
Going on holidays overseas - seeing different cultures
Spending time away from home, just chilling
The satisfaction of achieving when others said I wouldn't
Watching monkeys, apes, gorillas - really fascinating
My husband, Dereck. We have certainly had a lot of fun
A good party - with the right people I can have lots of fun!
Chocolate ice-cream or chocolate milkshake
Mixing all my food together so that I can just use a fork
Buying & wrapping up presents
The feeling when having completed a walking race
Painting - I have painted most of the inside of our house
A good challenge - I must be interested in it though
Going shopping, especially if for me too!
Decorating and making things nice for a function
My children, Leanne & Grant
A good dare - have bungi jumped & loved it!
Just getting on with things - why wait?
Pork chops or chicken kebabs on a braai
Pasta in any form - meal or salad
My dogs – Zippa, Jemma & Izzy
The smell of freshly cut grass on a hot day
A good massage - legs or whole body
Soaking in a hot bubble bath (don't do this often enough!)
Freshly made fruit salad with granadilla
Waking up and wondering what the day has in store for me
Collecting Beatrix Potter & Swarovski Crystal figurines
Collecting teaspoons from around the world
Scrapbooking - I find this very relaxing and satisfing
Making things - cookies, teddy bears, anything creative
Eating nougat especially with berries and nuts
Drinking berry drinks especially smoothies
Just being accepted for who and what I am
The colour purple (mauve)
Watching ballroom dancing
Watching, diving, gymnastics & athletics
My mom and dad (Laura & Lu)
Spins, Brutul Fruit, Bacardi Breezers
Rose wine and peach champagne

Things I hate: –

Baked beans, beetroot, cooked cabbage, oats, sago pudding (I had sago pudding last week and I now love it, so this will have to come off!!!!)
People who are false & say things they really don't mean
Snakes – actually I am petrified of them!
When things don't get put back where they belong
* Rude people, and bad service * Inconsiderate people
Eating a meal where you have to pick out the bones
Rainy weather - it's messy and the washing piles up!
Seeing people begging with their children

Of all of us (myself included) Desire and Michelle are the most up to date with their BOM Challenges - good going, girls ... I hear the protests even as I type - I work (yes you do) ... I'm too busy (I know life gets hectic and in the way) ... this is supposed to be for fun (and it certainly is) ... I am not coming down on you (that would mean that I would have to berate myself as well ... remember that I am the last-minute Queen ... tee hee ...) SOOOOO have I decided to set an incentive ... (drum roll ....ta da ...)

IF YOU COMPLETE ALL OF YOUR BOM CHALLENGES BY THE END OF NOVEMBER 2008 (this will include any new challenges set before this date), I WILL SEND YOU AN A4 CHIPBOARD SHEET OF BRACKETS FOR FREE FOR GRATIS AND FOR NOTHING, except to say well done for catching up ....

AND SURPRISE .... I will send Desire and Michelle that same Chipboard Sheet with a little something extra thrown in for their hard work in keeping up with the BOM CHALLENGES ... (expect to receive this at the beginning of December 2008, girls - please send me your postal addy in the meantime)

I have not forgotten about the RAK Challenge that was due at the end of September - I have been deliberating on what to do ... Desire introduced the most people to our BOM but very few of those ladies have had the time to complete any Challanges at all ... I still want to say thank you, Desire - I will pop something small in the post for you (please send me your postal addy).

And I want to encourage those ladies that joined "under" Desire to keep at it - even if you haven't completed a single Challenge, may today be the start of a new day!! Try and complete an older challenge with every new one that I set - you'll be amazed at how quickly you will catch up - JUST DON'T GIVE UP ... we're in this together ... If you need help, e-mail me and I will send you a sketch or give you some ideas ... better yet, scraplift something and add your own story ...

PEACE OUT!!! (I've always wanted to ue that expression - weird??? maybe ....)


Saturday, October 11, 2008


I am sorry, Mara, that I am only uploading your Challenges now but have been trying to put them alongside each other and haven't been able to do so - not sure why??? Will keep trying but have decided to show the world your talent in the meanwhile ....

Challenge No. 1

This is a close-up of her journalling booklet ....

And here is Mara' journalling ... I love how everyone interprets these Challenges in their own unique ways ...
Challenge 1 - Introduction to me

I call this layout - SKERWE VAN MY LEWE

I have done a single page all in pinks and geens and blues.
I shattered an old CD - painted and inked the edges and pasted it in its originl form on my blog. the title was stamped and pasted over the broken CD.

I also created mini book that slide in behind the tied ribbons. i have also taken a photo of the folded open mini book. Sory my pics are not so good as I am taking them with my cellphone.

My journalling is inside the mini book, and the last paragraph is on the tag. Journalling is as follows:

Was jy ook drie jaar oud met 'n ouma wat vir jou so lief was soos die lewe self? Wat jou styf gekoester het as die lewens storme om jou gewoed het. 'n Ouma wie se boesem nooit te klein was vir 'n drukkie nie.
Was jy ook vyf jaar oud en jou enigste maats was die feetjies in jou agtertuin? Die mees geduldigste maatjies, wat ure vir jou kon wag as jy eers moet eet of was of leer. Feetjies met fyn blomme rokkies en sysagte vlerkies.
Was jy ook twaalf jaar oud en moes jy voor jou geliefde ouma se oop graf staan. Almal huil en jy wonder hoekom want ouma gaan huis toe, waar al Jesus se kosbare pereltjies mos gaan. Jy wonder net hoekom is die kis so klein as ouma so groot was.
Was jy ook sestien, en in matriek? Gelukkig. Jy het die wereld aan jou voete. Jou punte is goed. Daar is niks wat jou kan stuit nie. Jy leef vir die eerste keer weer werklik. Jou drome is groot en bereikbaar.
Was jy ook sewentien, verlief, nee lief? Innig lief. En trou met die man van jou drome. Jy behoort weer. Iewers is jou tuiste. 'n Holte vir jou voete. En jy is steeds lief.
Was jy ook agttien en swanger? Almal wat dink jy is te jonk vir 'n baba. Maar jy hou uit. Jy werk harder. Jy steur jou nie aan wat enigiemand van jou sê. Dis net jy, jou man en jul baba. En 'n blink toekoms wat wink.
Was jy ook sewe en twintig en hoor jy kan jou pa vir die eerste keer in jou lewe ontmoet? Hoe wonderlik en voltallig is alles nie. 'n Eie pappa om lief te hê. 'n Eie pappa wat vir jou “meisiekind” noem.
Was jy ook dertig en “on top of the world”? Niks kan jou stuit nie. Jy is jy. En naas God is die belangrikste mense in jou lewe jou gesin. En leef jy elke dag ten volle.
Al hierdie is die skerwe van my lewe en as ek hulle bymekaarsit, en weer las, dan is dit nou nie perfek nie, maar tog onmiskenbaar EK.

I did not want to make a recollection of a CV e.g. where was I born, how old am I, mom and dad names, etc etc I wanted to recap on my life so far in a few sentences because that is who I am. A date does not make me, a name neither.

Bom Challenge No. 7 - Page 1

Bom Challenge No. 7 - Page 2

This is what Mara had to say about the things she LOVES ...

I love the way's
The way God provides for me and my family
The way darling husband loves me, the way he looks at me, the way he touches me

I love the love of
My kids – they love me unconditionally, because they are a part of me as I am a part of them
Dad and stepmom – they loved me even way before they knew me, they love me for who I am

I love the meaning
of life. I love to live and live out loud
of love. It makes me complete and defines who I am, you will be known by those that love you

I love the taste of
fresh fruit. Nature's gift to us all. Apples, guavas, oranges, strawberries. Delightful indeed.
His kiss. It makes my whole world turn around.

I love the feeling of
satin sheets. Luxurious.
Rain on my skin. The refreshing feeling of water. Cleansing. Purifying.

I love to
read read read
write write write
make memories last forever through my scrapbooking
enjoy life, creating a legacy

I love living in
South africa – our beautiful land, the place I call home, where the sunsets are more beautiful than the eye can imagine, where lions roar, where a nation can stand together, where grass is always greener than on the other side

I love to dream
in full colour, when I am sleeping even when I am awake

I love the times
I spend with my family and friends, the happy times, and the sad times

I love holidays and weekends at
the empty open spaces of the free state – especially our piece of land SWEETWATERS
Betty's bay – I love the sea on the one side and the mountain on the other
Kimberley – the town DH grew up in, the old mine museum, the big hole, the ghosts of this old miners town

In general I love
Babies and children, they always seem to be attracted to me. I love playing with kids, listening to them

I love listening to
nature's sounds – the birds and frogs and crickets, etc.
the sound of the ocean, the sound of rain, the sound of the wind

I love
FLOWER – kosmosse
COLOUR purple. Such a magical colour
SONG – truly deeply madly by savage garden
SONG 2 – you sang to me – March Anthony
OLD TIME MOVIE – dirty dancing

And I love to

I love these words
Psalm 121
Spreuke 31
but most of all

I love my life and I wouldn't want to change thing

I love him – and I'll marry him all over again I have to

I love them because they are my children, they complete me

I love to be me, even though I am not perfect or beautiful

Thanks, Mara, for a peek into who you really are and well done on two amazing Lo's ...


Action! Action! we want Action!!

Bryce has finally decided what he wants to do for his Birthday Party - I have managed to secure a spot at Action Paintball in Botha's Hill for next weekend. Apparently the fields are pretty bushy with streams and gulleys and trees and things so there is plenty of place to hide and ambush the other Team - going to be loads of fun!!!

I may even join in .... not sure yet - gotta psyche myself up a little and maybe wear serious padding - not keen to have little paintball bruises all over ... tee hee ... Wait!!!! Maybe I can be a spy for one of the Teams whilst pretending to be part of the other Team ... mmmm ... sounding better by the minute - nothing like a little intrigue ....


A little bit of exciting and {mundane} news ...

Sophs called me yesterday afternoon to say that our Flip Videos had arrived, safe and sound - yippppppeeeeee!!!

This is what it looks like ...

So can't wait to use this little beaut!!!

I spent a few hours in the sun yesterday - reading on the hammock outside while Greg mowed the lawn - and am a little burnt - Gosh, I have already forgotten how fierce the sun can be - no more sun for me without serious blockout ...

It was great watching "BIG DADDY" at work - the sun glinting off the sweat on his yummy pecs ... okay, okay, calm down ... this is a FAMILY SHOW ... but I like that I still find him so sexy after being together for 21 years (happily married for 14 of those years) ... tee hee ...

Went out to dinner with Belma and Stuart last night - went to Bangkok Wok in Florida Road - yummy food. We sat outside under a clear sky enjoying the bustling activity in Florida Road and each others' company - LIFE IS SOOOOO GOOD - when last did you chill without your children???? - Do it!!! It is great for the soul!!!!

Greg has gone riding this morning. He hasn't been on his bike for so long (Zambia is pretty far away ....) and it wouldn't start so he had to free-wheel down the loooooong road (landed up at the Police Station at the bottom of the road with no helmet - ooops - luckily they didn't freak out!!!) but he seemed really excited to be able to get back onto that HORSE, so to speak ...

I am hoping to scrap a bit today - other than that am feeling pretty lazy so I'm gonna go with that for now and see where the rest of the day goes - I have no purpose to today except to see what it brings .....

Hope you have a fantastic weekend - chill, relax, take it easy ....

P.S. Click on "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi in my Playlist - turn up the sound and bop a little - why not start the day with a bit of fun???

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This is what my boy got for his birthday today - needless to say Greg and Bryce were out at 6am testing this new baby at Davenport parking lot - to those of you in the nearby flats who were still sleeping - sorry .... BUT a BOY'S gotta do what a BOY'S gotta do ... This is a delicious toy, people - petrol, nogal (well, methane something or other). He was teasing me yesterday saying that he would get me a pink Hummer but then I would put flower and butterfly rub-ons all over it and embarrass him at the track (he knows me well). He also said that as soon as it hit the dirt track I would be squealing "Get it off the track - it's getting dirty!!!"

The WHOLE family is coming around for boerewors rolls and cake tonight so will post a couple of pics tomorrow.

P.S. Thank you do much to all the ladies who left such lovely comments on my previous post - it's nice to know I am not alone out there - sometimes being a parent hurts in the nicest ways (does this make sense???) It's a true blessing being a parent, and especially to such a lovely child as mine .... tee hee ...

{LIVE} well for the rest of today - you can never go back and re-live it - unless you're the Journeyman (does anybody watch this series??? Is it worth wasting precious scrapping time for? Let me know ...)


I'm feeling a little SAD today ...

I am feeling a little SAD today ...

Whilst I was sorting through the 100's (I kid you not) of boxes from my storeroom this last week, I came across photos of Bryce on the day that he was born - 8th October 1996 - this is truly one of the most memorable and most important days of my life and that day began at 1.33pm when we welcomed our gorgeous baby boy into our world - My life was changed and affirmed from the very second that I saw his gorgeous little face and heard that little cry ...

I am sad because 12 years have passed and he is growing so fast - "time" is passing rapidly as he grows into a young man ...

I am happy because he is healthy and responsible and clever and witty and charming and has a close relationship with our Heavenly Father ...

I am sad because I cannot protect him from every danger or disappointment ...

I am happy because I have and still continue to equip him with the skills he needs to protect himself from the evils of this world ...

I am happy because I have a wonderful husband, and he has a strong, gentle and kind father, who teaches him how to be a good man ...

I am HAPPY today ...

Happy Birthday my gorgeous Brycie-boy!!! You know how very much your daddy and I love you and how very proud we are of YOU!!! Enjoy your day - it is indeed a reason to celebrate ...


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I have been doing a little surfing this morning and I came across Kimmi's blog - go take a peek on her blog at the pictures of the destruction Hurricane Gustav has caused. How scary is this??? Check out the National Guard, with full-on weapons, who are placed there to keep control and check out all the power lines that are down and the trees and buildings that have been destroyed ... AND they had no electricity for 5 days - think of the consequences ... spoilt food, no hot water, etc. etc.

How VERY LUCKY are we???

Crime and all, I'll stay here in little ol' South Africa .... I am more scared of natural phenomenon than criminals ... tee hee ...

You will notice that I am adding new blogs as links everyday so go along to these exciting sites and check out what others are up to ...


Thursday, October 2, 2008


Gill, I did not receive your comment on my blog - please try and send it again ...

Mara, please send me your e-mail address as a comment and I will reply via e-mail ...

Thanks, girls ...


MOVING DAY (er ... WEEK ...)

I have been so busy this week helping my mom move - what a nightmare - I have promised her that I will NEVER help her move again - I am sure I have lost at least 3 kgs in 2 days??? (So not on!!! tee hee ...). Luckily (???) she is moving in with me for a short while whilst we complete her cottage outside so I guess I am pretty safe in that I need NEVER help her move again ... tee hee ...

We had drama from the word go ... the whole moving and packing "thing" was seriously disorganised and this made it extremely unpleasant, but we are onto the last day - we have been packing and moving since Tuesday ... grrr ... - and we have survived!

I know one thing I have learnt from this move - keep your stuff to a minimum and clear away the clutter (read junk) before your move - it is insane trying to pack all the junk as well and cart it to the next place for sorting "one day" - not gonna happen!!

Soooo next week will be spent going through my home to clear the clutter .... I HAVE TO DO THIS ...

In between I have Challenges to complete and a Birthday Party to organise for Bryce - does anybody know of a GO-KARTING place in KZN (I was going to say just Durban but I may be wishing against the moon) that we can hire for a day???? Please e-mail me if you do as this would be a stunning way to celebrate the day with his mates ....

We are hoping to be able to find a petrol remote control car for him - he has been on the net (completely supervised, of course) researching these cars - if he spent half as much time researching his school projects, he would get 100% everytime ... tee hee ... shows what a bit of motivation (ie. something he wants desperately enough) can do ...

I need to get ready so that we can finish moving today - am exhausted so may need to sleep for a week (oooh no - have to clear the clutter ... have to clear the clutter ...).

Have a great day!!!



Desire, you are on top of your game, my friend ... lovely LO with stunning journalling - thank you for putting so much effort into our {BOM} Challenges. By the way, if you pop into Desire's blog you will see that she is currently working on several challenges at once and still manages to keep up with each one - you are amazing - I am starting to fall behind and am taking on even more - my mantra for today will be "I CAN do it!!!" .... tee hee ...

Here is her journalling ...

Before I mention the things I love I just would like to mention the basic belief I live by i.e. happiness come from within and no one and no thing can begin to make you happy if you are not content and happy from within, therefore one creates your own happiness. And of course if you believe in the Creator of All, happiness is a sure thing. (you are so right, Desire)
This is my HAPPINESS list: * The most important love of my love is my life partner, friend and soul mate, Conroy who gives meaning to living each day as if it is my last and makes me feel loved and cared for. * The smell of freshly baked bread and having a warm slice with melting butter and homemade apricot jam. * Watching birds (especially Wagtails) having a good wash down in a bird bath situated in a beautiful garden. Wagtails exuberates such happiness. * Capturing the beautiful innocence of children on camera. * The smell of freshly fallen rain on a dirt road, brings back fond memories of life on a farm. * The comforting taste of plain old Cadbury’s chocolate melts away any bad vibes. * Peanut butter and honey with a slice of white bread toast – note the order. * The high one experience when completing a running/walking road race. * Climbing a mountain and experiencing the exhilarating feeling of freedom on top. * Freshly prepared Crayfish with a creamy sherry and prawn sauce. * When a scrapbooking design materialise and the final layout is just as I have imagined it all along. * Collecting my latest photos from the lab. * When out in nature and beautiful white fluffy clouds are offset against the bluest of blue skies. * My favourite drink Schweppes Dry Lemon & a tot of Gin topped with a stick filled with cherries. * 2-Ply Baby Soft Toilet Tissue Paper * Creamiest, foamiest … most delicious Nescafé Cappuccino or any other cappuccino. * Warm home made custard with ProNutro … my Dad used to call me ‘Miss Vla’. * Any home baked warm pudding. * Vaseline Intensive Care Hand & Nail Hydrating Lotion. * Environ facial products. * Watching my favourite TV Soap, Egoli. * The feeling of walking on air after a pedicure. * Home made Lasagne with lots of creamy white cheese sauce. * A neat and organised home. * Beautiful Persian carpets. * My laptop, can’t live without it * Wearing my wedding ring which at the moment is the second version of the original due to theft etc. * Wearing my late Mom’s wedding band and her Mom’s wedding band which I have melted down to make one band … which is also a second version of the original due to theft. * My in-laws who have done so much for us and loves me as one of their own daughters. * My Canon cameras, which in a way is an extension of me. * Waking up in the morning to the sound of bird song ... makes me want to get up and start the day with a song in my heart. * Crawling into a warm bed which has been heated by an electric blanket on a cold winters night ... makes me feel safe. * Taking that once in a life time perfect photo ... makes my heart skip a few beats. * Admiring nature's beautiful flowers and being amazed at the spectrum of colours and knowing that there is a higher power. * Walking in nature ... keeps my spirit upbeat. * Friends who accept me for whom and what I am ... give me a feeling of belonging. * To GIVE to someone who NEEDS ... makes me feel worthy. * Delft crockery … inherited quite a few pieces from my late Mom and Dad. * Setting a festive Xmas table. * Putting up and decorating the Xmas tree, especially love lots of lights in the tree. * Finding a piece of clothing in the shops that I like, in just the right size. * Taking a holiday and spending it at a luxurious lodge in beautiful natural surrounds. * Meerkats as they are a good example to human beings of how to care for your fellow beings and to stand together in difficult times. * Nyala is my favourite wild buck. * Proteas with their everlasting beauty. * Getting breakfast in bed, served by my darling hubby Conroy … this has been happening now for 24+ years. * Cold and rainy winter days. * Beautiful paintings of nature, the traditional way ... no modern stuff. * Lemon Meringue Pie. * Crystal Cut Glass pieces, inherited quite a few pieces from my late Mom and Dad.

Desire, please could you elaborate a bit about the Meerkat - I know nothing about them and I will post it here for all to see ...
I noticed that there are quite a few favourite foodstuffs in this list (obviously the walking keeps you slim ... tee hee) and that you have a deep love of nature - this list captures exactly what you are all about - I LOOOOOVE IT!!!
