
Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well, this is getting harder by the week - I have discovered that one actually needs to make a conscious effort in order to achieve a Greener Planet - I reckon it's because we are all so busy in our regular routines that to make a change WILL require conscious action ... So, having said that, I have loads to carry over ....
  • Take the Stairs (who would've thought it would be this hard to achieve this goal - freaky ...)
  • Love where you Live (I still need to draw the map - I DO LOVE where I live ...)
  • Look closer (mmmmm ....)
  • Walk my mom (haven't made time for this one this last week)
  • Smile when you answer the phone (I did not even make an effort with this one and it was supposed to be the easy one - there is no figuring me out - even I am confused at me at times ...)
  • Avoid Waste (I am working real hard on this one ...)
What I did accomplish (not very much I tell you ... tee hee ... BUT I will persevere ...)
  • Don't start a war (this was easy - I almost never go for the jugular ... tee hee ... note that I never said "never)
  • Talk rubbish to your parents (it pained me but I did it ... tee hee ...)
Now for my new list ... mmmm ... maybe 5 is toooo ambitious - oh, don't be a sissy, Tracy - BRING IT ON, BABY!!!!
  1. Write a letter (going to write to my little niece and nephews)
  2. Photocopy (or print) on both sides
  3. Recycle my books (I am cheating here as I already do this but not regularly enough so going to throw it in to remind me to go to the 2nd-hand Book Shop more regularly)
  4. Get fitter, feel better (I'm going to start walking ... I say no more ... sigh ...)
  5. Turn off unnecessary lights (I can do this one)
Take the stairs (carried over)
Love where you Live (carried over)
Look closer (carried over)
Walk my mom (carried over)
Smile when I answer the phone (carried over)
Avoid Waste (carried over)

Yikes!! Note how long my list of "5" is getting ...

How are you doing??? Let me know that I am not the only one trying to achieve the ... ummm ... possible????

Have a fab day!!



Beryldene said...

um...ahem...yes it's me...and IIII'm the core...hand on heart, but EISH this is HARD!!!!!...AS YOU SAY...THIS IS A CONSCIOUS EFFORT!!..especially in this temperamental weather, where a cold bath can make or break you (because you've.....SWITCHED OFF YOUR APPLICANCES AT THE WALL!!!! grrrrrr)...will update soon....but you..well you sure know how to hang in there!!! a dog with a bone!!!!! LOL!! :-)

CathQuillScrap said...

Oh you are not alone... I also battled with my list this last week... hehhee. At least we TRY!

Sophia said...

Go girl go, you can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

You will get there Tracy!
I have climbed stairs, planted plants, Tried not too start a war - but did not last long!
I always try and smile when I answer the phone -but somehow I dont sound "smiley" - got to work on it. Busy catching up on challenges - txs for letting me scrap with you !
Hope your mom have walked the driveway (hee hee)
I love the LO of Desire!
Sorry Greg is away again - at least you have your scrap(book) friends.

Libby said...

Wow Tracy!! You really are doing so well with this! Well done!! And keeping going!