
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

awwww .... I am TRULY blessed ...

I just adore Bryce's Grade 7 Teacher, Mrs Naicker - she is truly a special lady and knows just how to "click" with these teens ... Today he came home from school with a piece of paper and this was what was written on it (spelled as it was written) ...

1. You are so funny

2. You are cool

3. Your awesum and funny

4. You're a top bra

5. Your over tops!

6. You are so calm about everything

7. You are intellegent

8. You are always cool and friendly. You help other people even though you are not so close to them. I like that about a friend. From ......

9. Your'e the bestest buddie

10. You're real funny

11. You are always quick in cricket

12. You are funny

13. You have been my son this year ... my big ... tall son. Love your hair, your personality and your sense of humour! When you have achieved belief in yourself ... I'll retire! Love you.

Each kid had their name written on the top of a piece of paper. Those papers were passed around the class and everyone had to write what they admire about that person whose name was on the top. Above were the comments on Bryce's sheet. I am so touched and I am so proud of him ... he is a "ONE IN A MILLION" ... yes, his teenage hormones sometimes get the better of him (AND ME!!!) but he is so sweet and thoughtful and kind and gentle and just awesome - I couldn't have asked for anything more in a son ...

BTW ... the last comment was from his teacher ... love ya, Mrs Naicker ...

And I love YOU, Bryce ... you are my best friend ...

Love from your momma


Sophia said...

Aah that is so sweet...

Andrea said...

What a lovely lovely idea...a teacher with passion, so nice to see. What a lovely memory...can't wait to see the layout lol.

Beryldene said...

sniff...ok seriously...this post should have come with a WARNING for SENSITIVE VIEWERS!!!!!!...

sigh...SNIFF....i love posts like this....honest, and heartfelt...congrats GF on being a mother who's raised a real gem of a child...
from another mother