
Thursday, February 24, 2011


I am playing Survivor over at TallyScrapper - having sooo much fun!!!  This was the LO I created for last week's challenge ...

I have sooo many "old" photos and decided at the beginning of the year to use them up (no matter how "nasty" they are) - they are after all, MEMORIES I want to document ...

The Challenge was :-

1.   The LO must have "white" or "negative" space;
2.   It must have at least one photo with more than 2 people in the photo;
3.   Must contain the colours tan/brown and blue;
4.   Must use at least 2 staples and a piece of recycled scrapbooking packaging.

This week's challenge is waaay more challenging ... (tee hee) ...

1.   Scrap in a straight line (either vertically up the page or horizonally across the page (not diagonally ...);
2.   Use the colour combo orange, yellow, olive green and burgundy;  (THIS IS WHERE I AM STUMPED ...);
3.   Use this one-liner from Ricky Bobby - "That just happened".

EEEEEk .... and if that's not enough of a challenge, then a twist has been added to the Plot ...

"Finish your challenge this week then quick!! 5 members from TEAM ROB and 5 members from TEAM RUSSELL will be whisked away to REDEMPTION ISLAND!

You will find a group for it and you wont be a part of your team anymore!!

You will have a completely seperate challenge and group. 

For week 3 whomever WINS the Redemption Island challenge will CHOOSE where the remaining 9 members end up....5 for Team Rob and 5 for TEAM Russell!!
At least 2 members must be on opposite teams though. :)"

Ok, so I'm off to scrap (well, to try and find something in the colour combo to match the Challenge - so not seeing the combo as working in my head - wish me luck  ... chat later ...


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


On our way home from school yesterday afternoon I was lamenting about my grey hair and how I wished I could just pull them all out ...

A quick comment from next to me (my teenage son, Bryce) - "but then mom, you'd have no hair left ...."

Ha Ha Ha (I laughed sarcastically but inside I was smiling a real smile - that was quick and probably very accurate ...)

So, off to the Salon today and "I washed that grey right out of my hair" ... I feel MUCH better now ...

Monday, February 14, 2011


to my Greggie and my Brycie-boy ...


you both soooo much!!!!


I have added a few more images to the Le Shabby Cafe Gallery ...

Here is a Layout I did - these Paper Trunk papers are so awesome to work with - I was a little worried that I would be restricted by the Black/Kraft colouring but I have discovered that the possibilities are actually endless ...

I cut Flag Pennants from Chipboard and then covered them with pattered paper, threaded tulle through the holes I punched at the top and added Bling.  The flower was created by layering a punched flower and adding Platinum Stickles to the centre of the flower.  I also used Irridescent Gold Glimmer Mist on the black cardstock background just for a bit of fun!!!

To get the glittery "FAMILY" Title I applied Platinum Stickles to the letters

I cut out three hearts (2 from patterned papers and one from cardstock) and then stitched them (down the centre) to the Postcard. I adhered this Postcard to a cardstock base to create a Card.

I created this heart "just for fun" since it is the month of LOOOVE.  The wings were cut out of black cardstock and then I used Platinum Stickles to create detail on the wings - first, I "drew" the detail in with the Stickles and let that dry.  Then I "dotted" Stickles all over the wings and rubbed the Stickles all over the cardstock.  So very easy and yet so effective ...

Thanks for looking.


Friday, February 11, 2011


I have discovered pinterest - oh my shattered nerves!!!

This is how I feel today ...

P.S. not sure who to credit for this image but you can find it on pinterest ...