Desire, please e-mail me your layout again as I inadvertantly deleted it from my mails - sorry - silly me ....
Take a look at these talented ladies' first BOM LO's .... gorgeous ....

An interesting fact about Sophs - she turns 40 soon (you look soooo good, girl!) and has a French Mauritian heritage ...
An interesting fact about Jacqui - she is a full time mom to 2 young girls AND still finds time to study towards her teaching degree (way to go, Jacqui) ...
Thanks for your help in posting my first images into text, Sophs - as usual, you are the Master - ALL HAIL SOPHIA!!!!
Okay, down to business ....
This week requires a little research - use your favourite search engine to find out the meaning of your name or go along to your local library (when last did you enter the hallowed halls of a library?) and research the meaning of your name. Do you like your name? Do you think that the meaning of your name somehow reflects a little bit of who you are? How did your parents select your name - is there a romantic/funny/endearing/strange story behind the selection of your name? If you could change your name which name would you choose? Tell the story. You do not necessarily need to put any photos on this page – you are merely documenting the story of your name.
Remember always that these are simply guidelines and suggestions - use your imagination and creativity to add information about your name to your LO.
But most of all, ENJOY THE JOURNEY ...
Have a fantabulous day!!
Awesome LO Jacqui, great start to the BOM album...
Cannot wait to see Desire and Michelle's LOs.
Also loving challenge 2, going to be interesting researching my name...
Sophia and Jacqui ... love your layouts. Well challenge no.2 will definitely be a challenge, as I have already discovered while investigating cyber space. Can't wait to see Michelle's creation. Thanks Tracy for getting us all involved.
Thanks Sophia & Tracy for the lovely comments. I am also excited to see Michelle's layout. Desire has hers' on her website.....
Challenge #2 looks like it's going to be a bit of a challenge. Tracy you're making us think. Always a good thing I suppose. Can't wait to get stuck in..
Well ladies, you will have to wait a few hours more. I have finished my layout, but just need to photograph it, but I am going out now, so will do so when I get home round lunch time. I have had such fun doing this and am looking forward to challenge #2. Have already got some ideas into my head about the layout.
This is so much fun Tracy - thanks for setting it up and getting us all started on something we should have done a long time ago.
Sophia, Jacqui and Desire - your layouts are all stunning.
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